Buffered Blog
The Problem
I’m having a bit of difficulty keeping up with this blog…
Figure. Artist’s impression of my semester.
I don’t want another zoombie website.
Proposed Solution 1
Figure. Boxes and lines drawn to connote a sense of quality to this article.
No longer do I need to stress about writing stuff during the semester while I study for university.
I get continuous reward stimuli at times of need (especially in the midst of assignment deadlines and exams)
I can act like a time management ninja.
“Whoa, you’re prepping for exams and blogging a new post every week?”
- Posts are not fresh.
Proposed Solution 2
Figure. Additional collection of boxes and lines to further solidify the point.
Perfect opportunity to confuse and prank everyone.
“You haven’t written for months.”
“What do you mean? :)”
“Wait what, these posts say they’re from last month, but they weren’t there before!”
“It must be your browser cache.”
- Risk of losing all friends.
Wait, what friends.
Official Duckbot
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